Focal Therapy Abstract Submission for 2024 Annual Meeting
Submit your abstract today to be included in the 2024 Focal Therapy Annual Meeting being held October 17-19, 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Manchester in San Diego, California.
Abstracts can be submitted now by emailing a Word document version to [email protected]. The deadline for submission is Thursday, August 15 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time. Submissions must not exceed a maximum of 500 words (not including title, author, or disclosures). A single figure or table may be included. Abstracts on prostate imaging, focal therapy, and benign prostatic hyperplasia will be considered.
Abstracts should include:
- Title
- Authors
- Institutions
- Abstract:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Disclosures of financial funding and conflicts of interest (if any)
When submitting your abstract to [email protected] include the following in your email text:
- Subject Line – 2024 Focal Therapy Poster Submission
- Name of Presenting Author
- Email of Presenting Author
- Institution of Presenting Author
Submissions will NOT be accepted after the deadline. The top three abstracts will be presented as oral presentations on Sunday morning. All other accepted abstracts will be presented as posters during the annual meeting.
Prizes (Amazon gift cards) will be given for the Top Abstracts!
- $500 1st place
- $250 2nd Place
- $100 3rd Place
Please pass along this important information to your colleagues and help us make this a great meeting.
Remember to register now for the early bird registration discount at https://www.focalcme.com/
We hope to see you in September!
Arvin George, MD
Abhinav Sidana, MD
Program Chairs